In loving memory of my father, James Thomas Kerns,
who taught me many things about life, having integrity, being honest and living
by the golden rule. He continued to inspire me with his courage and his amazing
attitude until God took him home. My father left me with something that money
can't buy.........a lifetime of incredible memories and his unconditional love.
He was the greatest dad and one of my best friends. His spirit lives on in all of us whose lives he has touched.
Sergeant, United States Army. Korean War 1948-1952. Army Ranger, Seventh Cavalry
Regiment, 101 Airborne Unit.
Recipient of 4 Purple Hearts & 2 Bronze Stars
July 28, 1930 - November 6, 2003
In MEMORY of my beautiful, sweet, caring mother, Martha Gilliam Kerns who had a heart of gold! Mom took great pride in helping me prepare the custom
forms we used for shipping. She lives on in my heart and left me a lifetime of
wonderful memories and unconditional love, even when I didn't deserve it! Thanks
mom for always being there for me, being my best friend and always lifting me
up! Martha Kerns was an inspiration to many. Her moto, "Do it right, or don't
do it at all"! Mom- you will be forever missed but never forgotten!
Feb 19, 1928 - Dec 24, 2008
Special Thanks to all the caring people at the Hospice House!
"Remember the service,
remember the hero,
remember the pride,
remember the honor,
remember the sacrifice."
This website honors the brave men and women of the United States of America Armed
To those who have gone before us but will never be forgotten